Thursday, May 7

The Big R!

It was indeed another riveting February morning in the fund accounting world for the criminally boring, when I first heard a so called colleague mention the big R word - Redundancy?? Sure? When? How many? Who?

This was the first tit-bit of rumour that enthused my heart beat to venture higher than just-above-sleeping bpm's in the last few months. Having declined a similar position in another company due to extra cash, bonus, etc. I had been doubting my decision to remain where I was - especially since I had barely spoken to my manager in 3 months, and had the privilege of sharing adjacent seating arrangements. To rub futher salt into the ever gaping wound the next boss up again was like working with Basil Faulty's wife on drugs.

The worlds financial system was crumbling before our eyes due to securitisation practices accelerated by loose lending or is it loose lending accelerated by securitisation practices- chicken and egg. I had spent the previous 3 years proclaiming the property market was way over inflated and housing prices were not sustainable, now I was being proven right - ironically the very people I advised not to purchase property where informing me that the property market had been over inflated for a number of years think so?

Redundancy, eh? I needed out, this way I would get paid to leave? WOW!

Logical regression is always the first probability determinant:

1. received a poor enough annual review from the manager, considering that he doesnt have a clue how to do what I do I thought this was a bit harsh but meh.....fuck him.

2. two supervisors on the team whereby they could really streamline to one if necessary (I'm the senior and most expensive Super).

3. Funds are failing fast around the globe due to high redemption rates caused by bombing markets, the company's losing business faster than Chesney Hawkes retraced his footsteps to obscurity.

4. A shrinking economy will normally lend shoppers to sacrifice purchasing quality goods for cheaper substitute products, companies are no different - by my initial thought process I was destined for the dole queue. I was the quality supervisor, knowledgeable beyond even the managers yet cost approx 20k a year more than the other sup so it has to be me. They'll sacrifice all that fancy excel wizardry and derivative knowledge I possess to save a few bucks long term.............If not I'll be questioning why not?

Everyday I perked up my mundane jaunt to so called work by repeating after me... you'll get it.... you'll get've got to get it....logic dictates it....

Two months of self induced logical regression had determined I was hotter than Red Rum on his third national victory to attain the inevitable...the big finally arrived......I had taken approx 4.5 seconds to calculate what my pay off would be to the nearest grand two months ago, and in hind sight I was particulary accurate. After just over 3 years of service I should retain at least 6 months wages tax free......I like it! The cherry on the cake is one month in lieu, now I've always detested cherries yet this one was metaphorically sweet as...

What would I miss?? Certainly not Sybil Faulty, nor my manger who had his head so far up Sybil's ass it was impossible to determine where she stopped and he began. The majority of office life involves polite hellos here, good mornings there, have a good weekend, blah blah....nothing of note. However, I did have the added bonus of meeting a couple of really sound guys on the team which I will remain in contact with.......another bonus.

What will I do with my spare time? A summer off or straight back to looking for work??

What next?

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