Sunday, May 10

Hobbies & Weather

Comparing christ with anti-christ has the very same vernacular as hobbies and work. Obviously, currently being out of work (without delving into the very fact that I haven't particularly looked too far for any) has led me to have substantially more time for hobbies - loosely translated - pursuits that I enjoy i.e. not work.

The weather is a complete an utter bastard in my humble opinion, dictating like a headmaster would to a mischevious child what we can and cant do, and when we can and cant do it. Maybe its because the human race is predominamtly weak when challenging the extremes of nature or simply maybe we aren't fundamentally nor physically compiled to withstand certain extremes. Either way, the majority of "what to do" spare time decisions are influenced by the fucking weather.

1. Swimming / Gym / Punch bag -(any type of weather)
This, I have been doing regularly for years through times of employment and unemployment so it really doesn't take up additional time space nor extend my enjoyment and fitness now that I am unemployed. However, when reneging on completing these exercises I do feel quite lethargic an unfulfilled. It's very true that exercising gives you energy, it keeps you physically and mentally alert, do not under estimate this. Obviously being indoors this is available all year round at liberty (liberty meaning the gym membership is paid in full).

2. Fishing - (from good weather to not so good weather, if bad weather revert to 1 above)
This is a past time I have rekindled only last year, late last year, so late that I think I spent 1,200 euro on gear and only got out to fish 4 times before I started to freeze my bollocks off, and therfore my enjoyment from fishing was limited to the anticipatory imaginative kind from the comfort of the living room, until this years weather lightened up a little. I have since come to the conclusion that fishing is more enjoyable during weather conditions that are not so good. What I mean by not so good is overcast, dull, maybe a touch of light rain if the clouds permit such an act. These are the times I seem to catch most fish, and lets face it, what fucking fun is there sitting at a lake or river all day staring at trees on the other side. Catching fish is the barometer that measures your enjoyment of the occasion, a fishometer so to speak.

Since redundancy enlightened my soul enough to smile every morning on awakening, knowing that I dont have drag my ass to work and talk to idiots I dont like (minority that they are) who talk shit and take credit for my work, I have come to the conclusion that there is a void in my life, no I have a beautiful girlfriend, which makes me think I should put aside more time for treating her, hmmm, anyway back to the initial void - good weather activities.

Drinking I can do at night, and come to mention it I can mix this with treating my girlfirend, one problem solved, now for the other. I require something I can do during the day when I'm normally working to make my boss look good in comparison to his/her peers. You've probably assumed by now that I have a greivance with previous superiors and you have assumed correctly. Without going into detail lets say that i'm a straight up matter of fact type person and abhor the double crossing, political game playing type of people I've been unfortunate to encounter. Dont get me wrong, I've met loads of great people through work, its those fuckers who pretend to be your mate then shag you sideways that dampen the enjoyable experiences. Its a long road with plenty of turns, heard that somewhere before.

So I decided that my new hobbie for fair weather conditions is:

3. CYCLING: (starts off as good weather only, and as you get to like it more it becomes any fucking weather you want to ride in).

Cycling is a great sport, and has history with me. As a teenager I was introduced to cycling through my father who was a very keen cyclist. So keen that he always had two bikes, one for cycling to work everyday (Peugeout) and another, thee bike, for sunday spins (Dawes). Thinking back to 20 years ago when these 2 bikes cost a total of 1,000 punts (400 & 600 respectively), they were great machines. I still have the dawes to this day in mint condition, with new tape bar, everything else is the same as the day it was bought.

It was as a kid I attempted to emulate my father and tag along on these sunday spins, unaware that I was a nuisance simply draining the patience from an athlete wishing to get through what would normally be an enjoyable training session less my company. I was of course on my sisters Puch-Mini bike, god fucking knows what it was. After the first session, and the second, etc he finally got the idea that I wasn't giving up and surprised me with a brand new junior peugeout road bike with slicks, groupset if thats what they called it back then, the lot... I could now try and keep up in style and look good at the same time. Plus I could kick my friends asses when out on our bikes.

I showed promise, enough to be entered into a few local junior races of 10 - 20km or thereabouts, which I performed credibly in, winning a few. This was the height of my success in the saddle as I followed the path of most teenagers when I encountered alcohol and girls. I strongly believe that kids need a mentor for sports when at that critical pivot point in their lives, someone to stress that they should continue following their natural talents when faced with blending with their comrades getting pissed at the weekend and sacrificing a potentially successful sporting career. I was a particularly good soccer player when I was younger and now when I see some of the guys that made it makes me cringe. We wouldn't be allowed drop out of school so why give up on sports, even though the law has different views (which is due to people complicating life with laws and rules for every fucking thing under the sun).

Back on topic, I now needed a mechanism to release this new enthusiasm for cycling, yes, a bike. At this stage I knew nothing about bikes anymore, not that I knew much years previous; so I logged on to a few forums, namely, and read up on few websites to regain some long forgotten basic knowledge, and learn the ins and outs of the current climate regarding components and what not. Soon after sickening myself with shimano this, campagnolo that, Look here, Beone there, etc I gave up on attempting to divulge the mountains of types of bikes and components and decided I'll like what I like when I see it.

Eventually, the online perusal began in earnest, website after website looking for something to catch my eye, as soon as I saw it I knew I was gonna get it, Pinarello FP2 with those weird looking forks, pictured above; just needed to decide on the groupset. My budget before I saw this was 1k for the bike and some accessories, now it was 2k, eventually I spent 3k on bike and gear. I asked for the vloce groupset/white frame at (based in Tallaght). They order direct from Pinarello who only had white with Ultegra so I said fine, I'll take it. Pinarello sent a white FP2 with 105 groupset, at this stage I didn't give a shit, "I'll take it" was my answer. I probably could have got carbon this or that elswhere for the same money but I wanted this bike and wants are stronger urges than needs so it was a done deal as far as I was concerned. Bike cost 1.7k, spent over a grand on gear LOL. Jesus, when I last rode if I had have offered 1.7k for a bike the guy would have thrown in his missus with it, now you dont even get a set of fucking pedals with the fucker........christ I thought, accessorizing is an expensive hobby!

Within two weeks ended up with - Bike, pedals, 2 cages, 2 bottles, mini pump, sidi shoes, saddle bag, tubes, multi tool, 3 jerseys, 3 shorts, 3 under garments, 2 tights, helmet, garmin 705 with HR monitor, mud guards (one which doesn't fit cause of the wobbly forks), bike stand, cleaning kit (degreaser, brushes, etc), track pump, puncture kit, 4 x new tyres, gloves.......thats off the top of my head.

Next to get out on it............

Friday, May 8

Q's and P's

Nobody I know likes queues, why would they? Standing (or sitting if you are provided with that luxury - however, sitting normally infers you will be queuing longer than initially expected), daydreaming, wasting your life away in a fucking queue, you have no idea when it will shrink to the required size whereby you hear those coveted words mundanely voiced in your general direction, "Next!".

I detest queues, I'd rather watch an episode of Eastenders which I also detest and if even necessary venture to the dark depths of an episode of Jeremy Kyle...ughhh. That's how much I hate queues.

Most queues in a normal functioning society are of the shopping nature, most probable during the festive seasons such as xmas. I find shopping early in the morning as the store doors are opening for the public assault serves best during this period, unless you want to queue then go any time after this.

Xmas queues are sacrificial types of queues, what I mean by this is that the majority of people are sacrificing their time queuing to purchase items that aren't even for there own amusement or use. Watching forty year olds waiting in line for the latest PS3, Xbox Super, etc is determinant of this sacrifical queuing. They wouldn't queue to purchase goods for themselves in similar manner, which is maybe why they end up with bulging sock drawers while their kids maintain the latest gadgetry and style available.

There are selfish queues, everyone out for themselves, hustling and bustling for the last item on sale, wrestling their way through clothes departments like elephants on stampede.

Queues of anticipation, holding your ticket in one hand, the other on the back of the stranger in front as you reach the turnstile admitting you to watch the big game, the massive concert.....

Other queues are of the alcoholic nature, where you are too fucking drunk to realise how long you'll be queuing and what you're actually queuing for, you just saw a line and thought you'd join cause why the fuck would you go home instead? - normally takes place late at night so fortunately these types of queues rarely interact.

After being made redundant I was of course forced to sign on the dreaded dole, which I am not in the least embarassed about. I have spent all my working life paying taxes, and above average amounts I might add, without so much as asking for a cent in return. Now after years of giving to the not so fortunate through the redistribution vehicle called democracy, it was time to say "its payback time, I am now not so fortunate" and apply for said payments.

Watching the RTE news didn't lean my thinking to the "this will be a pleasant experience" type of thought, because every evening at six o'clock they constantly beamed pictures of depressing big ugly queues into my living room, yes, dole queues. "I'm not doing that! .......Shit, maybe I'll have to queue". There would be no maybe about it, it was gonna happen.

My queuing consternation led me to attempt to expediate the process of signing on. I downloaded the necessary forms from the social services website, filled them out, photcopied the required documents from my ex-employer, etc, etc, and then set about making the appointment to meet with a civil servant of sorts to make my claim.

Now, years previously I had worked for 6 months or more in the civil service in the north of the Emerald Isle, so I had some sort of idea as to how the system functioned, and this being 12 years on it surely has improved and modernised. I only hoped that the current civil servants were at least 3 times more productive than I was when in a similar role.

First things first, I'll make that phone call to book the appointment.
Voice:"If you come over and bring the forms with you tomorrow"

ME: "Cant I make an appointment now?"

Voice: "Just bring the forms with you tomorrow".

Me: "Where do I go?"

Voice:"North Cumberland Street, cant miss us"
Me: "Ok, Thanks, bye".

The second part was to visit their offices on North Cumberland Street, which I wasn't familiar with. That didn't matter cause I had my recently purchased Garmin GPS for the bike which I trusted would guide me there safe and sound, which it duly did. Like the xmas shopping episodes I reckoned getting there early was best policy. Half hour before opening should suffice to be one of the first in line.

My Garmin double beeped me to turn left off Parnell St and on to North Cumberland and stated "arriving at destination". Nice one I thought, turned the corner and stared in astonishment. The longest queue I had ever seen oudoors that wasnt involved with a sporting occasion or concert. This was a different kind of queue, not even the selfish kind, it was fucking of those queues where people queue even though they dont want to, but the participants are past the point of caring cause if they weren't here queuing what else would they be doing?

Adapting a positive mental attitude helps in a lot of situations, it was a big bulding, the big queue outside will fragment into lots of little queues once inside. It did, but into one very long queue (mine of course) and lots of little queues. Almost 3 hours later I heard the coveted words, albeit in a tone associated with patients who have been just informed they have cancer:

Guy: "Next...."

Me: "Hi, I'd like to sign on due to compulsory redundancy".

Guy: "National insurance number?"

I hand him the forms I have completed in advance containing my details, he checks my details on the computer beside him.

Guy:"You came here from north in 2001", looks at me all squinty eyed like Clint Eastwood would in a few dollars more, against Lee Van Cleef I think his nemesis was.

Me:"Yeah", my tone suggesting so fucking what.

He gives me back my forms and writes on this sheet in front of him, its a hand written appointment sheet, they dont even record them on the computer, they can't do it on the phone, you have to queue for 3 hours for the privilege of getting an appointment at reception to make another fucking appointment to talk to the very same receptionist, the second time across the room so he can then schedule your appointments to sign on! What a piss take.

Guy:"Fill in these and come back on this date at this time and queue over there"... points to other side of room and hands me blank forms, the very same forms that I have filled in, in advance thinking it would help.

Me:"I have this form already filled in, I just gave it to you, do I need another one?"

Guy: "I have to give them to you."

Me: "Do I need 2 of these?"


Me: "So what do I do with this, throw it in the bin?"

Guy:"Thats your choice."

Wtf?.....I thought as I turned away....... Wanna stop people queuing at the dole offices?... then simply put someone on a computer with a timetable on it, and a phone beside them - people phone up they schedule an appointment on the timetable, its not rocket science, queue is halved straight away. Those very same people queuing can use their 3 hours to look for work instead of queuing.

Civil servants complain about this and that, pension increases, irate customers, long queues, etc. Now on occasions, from previous experiences, they do make valid points, however, the underlying cause for these complaints aimed at others actually stems from the regulations imposed upon the system by their superiors and the government. Coupled with the fact that most people working in the social service dont give a fuck I can unashamedly say that the system is fucking shameful. Take any civil service office, command structure, work ethic, efficiency, etc and compare it to a similar functioning company in the private sector and it fails miserably. Why? Because the people dont give a fuck, their bosses dont really give a fuck, and the government dont really give a fuck about the normal working class citizens.....soon to be non-working class citzens. Also they are not the sharpest tools in the box in my opinion cause if they knew what they were doing they would be working in the private sector for higher wages. That brings me to the P's - Politics.

I have never voted in my life, anywhere for anything. I have never believed in something strong enough to go out of my way and queue to have my say, as minor as my say may be. "One more wont make much of a difference", was always my retort to a compulsive voter questioning my voting morals. So who installs these morons in power, yes, more P's - the People, we do (well I don't cause I have never voted, I just havent decided to put some other moron in there instead).

So, I have reconciled to the simple fact that the next election will be my first time ever to vote, and merely for the sole reason of opposing the current government cause they are not good. We shouldnt stand for it especially when they take 2 full months off every year on there any other country in the world that would tolerate this? Ach, sure their Irish, they just enjoy the craic! The craic is long gone, earn your keep I say.

If you turn around in the street you need a licence - walking the dog? need a dog licence, going fishing? need a fishing licence, staying at home watching tele? need a tv if you are on the dole you cant do anything cause you need a licence to do it and they all cost money you dont have cause you are not working........I recently took up cycling again, as of yet we do not need a cycling licence but wait for it, its probably in the pipeline if the current eejits in power need more funding for their bullshit committees that cost us all a fortune and line their pockets..

Rant over....think I might vote labour, although I know absolutely feck all about politics and parties. At least I have time to blog now that I'm not working, dont know if thats good or bad.

Thursday, May 7

The Big R!

It was indeed another riveting February morning in the fund accounting world for the criminally boring, when I first heard a so called colleague mention the big R word - Redundancy?? Sure? When? How many? Who?

This was the first tit-bit of rumour that enthused my heart beat to venture higher than just-above-sleeping bpm's in the last few months. Having declined a similar position in another company due to extra cash, bonus, etc. I had been doubting my decision to remain where I was - especially since I had barely spoken to my manager in 3 months, and had the privilege of sharing adjacent seating arrangements. To rub futher salt into the ever gaping wound the next boss up again was like working with Basil Faulty's wife on drugs.

The worlds financial system was crumbling before our eyes due to securitisation practices accelerated by loose lending or is it loose lending accelerated by securitisation practices- chicken and egg. I had spent the previous 3 years proclaiming the property market was way over inflated and housing prices were not sustainable, now I was being proven right - ironically the very people I advised not to purchase property where informing me that the property market had been over inflated for a number of years think so?

Redundancy, eh? I needed out, this way I would get paid to leave? WOW!

Logical regression is always the first probability determinant:

1. received a poor enough annual review from the manager, considering that he doesnt have a clue how to do what I do I thought this was a bit harsh but meh.....fuck him.

2. two supervisors on the team whereby they could really streamline to one if necessary (I'm the senior and most expensive Super).

3. Funds are failing fast around the globe due to high redemption rates caused by bombing markets, the company's losing business faster than Chesney Hawkes retraced his footsteps to obscurity.

4. A shrinking economy will normally lend shoppers to sacrifice purchasing quality goods for cheaper substitute products, companies are no different - by my initial thought process I was destined for the dole queue. I was the quality supervisor, knowledgeable beyond even the managers yet cost approx 20k a year more than the other sup so it has to be me. They'll sacrifice all that fancy excel wizardry and derivative knowledge I possess to save a few bucks long term.............If not I'll be questioning why not?

Everyday I perked up my mundane jaunt to so called work by repeating after me... you'll get it.... you'll get've got to get it....logic dictates it....

Two months of self induced logical regression had determined I was hotter than Red Rum on his third national victory to attain the inevitable...the big finally arrived......I had taken approx 4.5 seconds to calculate what my pay off would be to the nearest grand two months ago, and in hind sight I was particulary accurate. After just over 3 years of service I should retain at least 6 months wages tax free......I like it! The cherry on the cake is one month in lieu, now I've always detested cherries yet this one was metaphorically sweet as...

What would I miss?? Certainly not Sybil Faulty, nor my manger who had his head so far up Sybil's ass it was impossible to determine where she stopped and he began. The majority of office life involves polite hellos here, good mornings there, have a good weekend, blah blah....nothing of note. However, I did have the added bonus of meeting a couple of really sound guys on the team which I will remain in contact with.......another bonus.

What will I do with my spare time? A summer off or straight back to looking for work??

What next?